
Loch Lomond to Loch Ness

Monday It was a pre-lunch getaway for a journey up the A82 for around three and a half hours to my next stop from Loch Lomond. The drive towards Fort Augustus and then Fort William takes in simply stunning scenery. Amongst the best Lakeland views I'd ever seen, right up in the Gods and glancing downwards to dotted prior positions which themselves already seemed elevated on passing through. This is even before the North Coast 500 route truly begins at Inverness! There are many tarns (corrie lochs?) dotted by the roadside along the route. My overwhelming urge to park up and have a dabble had to be suppressed. I already had a plan. My other thought was if the lump of tin I was driving coughed its final breath whilst up there I'd end up in the Slaughtered Lamb. "Don't go on the moors...." Tootling up at Loch Ness Shore site on schedule I was checked in with the friendliest of welcomes, still without a Scottish accent within wiggling distance, until I was told t...

No fish in Scotland

Sunday After much planning and endless anticipation I finally set off for Scotland in the new, but used and recently purchased camper. I hadn't bothered to give it a name as I'm not particularly fond of it and so didn't want to personify her, I mean "it". If it broke down, which had happened to me plenty previously, then our relationship estrangement would be rendered simpler for the fact we were never on first name terms to begin with. This was purely a functional arrangement and I'd managed the van's expectations thus prior to embarkation. I'd originally thought of completing the North Coast 500, though due to time constraints but mainly apathy once I researched how far it was, I decided on a bit of a fudge. I was to stop at Loch Lomond, Loch Ness, Wick, Orkney, then the two same lochs again on the way back home. I'd done a reasonable amount of wild lake fly fishing at home and, having tried other forms of the sport as well as stocked ...